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What Would You Do? A Kid's Guide to Staying Safe in a World of Strangers

What Would You Do? A Kid's Guide to Staying Safe in a World of Strangers
Keeping Children Safe

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Protecting Children from Accidental Poisoning

“It is better to be safe than sorry.” This old adage rings true for any situation that involves the health, safety, and well-being of children. Because poison control centers around the country report that more than 50% of the incidents they handle involve accidental poisoning of children under the age of six, it is certainly better to be safe than sorry when it comes to preventing such incidents. Parents should practice the following safety precautions to protect their children:
ü  Keep household cleaners out of the reach of children. It’s not uncommon for household cleaners to be stored underneath the kitchen and bathroom sinks. Storing them there is a very unsafe practice, even if locks are put on the cabinets to “baby proof” them. There is no baby proofing apparatus that is completely infallible. It would be safer to move household cleaners and chemical products to a very high shelf that is completely out of a child’s reach.
ü  Keep all prescription and over-the-counter medications out of children’s reach. Make sure that all medications kept in the house have child-resistant caps. If visitors are staying in the home, be sure that their purses, luggage, and other belongings are not accessible to children. Grandma’s purse, for instance, is often associated with being a fun thing for children to explore. This is especially true for toddlers and pre-school children. Make sure that children do not have access to visitor’s belongings so that, if there are medications in them, children are safe from them.
ü  Practice safe food handling. Food poisoning is another form of poisoning. Keep all food at the proper temperature and prepare it in such a manner that harmful bacteria is eliminated. Avoid cross-contamination, and keep counter tops used for food preparation clean and sanitary. Wash hands carefully before preparing food, and consistently while preparing food, especially after handling meat products. Clean the counter top and wash hands thoroughly after handling meat products and before transitioning to handling other ingredients in the recipe. Make sure children don’t access the contents of garbage cans. Even the unsavory smell of garbage may not deter the curiosity of small children.
ü  Take the necessary precautions to prevent lead poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning. Make certain that none of the paint in the home contains lead. This is particularly true for surfaces painted with old paint from a time before the dangers of lead poisoning from paint were known. Because carbon monoxide is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, the only way to protect from it is to make sure that the home has carbon monoxide detectors and that the batteries are replaced, as necessary, and that the detectors are checked to make sure they stay functional. A good strategy is to use the start and end of daylight savings time to change clock batteries, smoke detector batteries, as well as the batteries in carbon monoxide detectors.
ü  Take extra precautions with products kept in kitchens, bathrooms and garages as these are the most common locations for accidental poisonings. Ensure that all potentially dangerous products are stored out of children’s reach. Store all chemical products in their original containers. The original containers list important information that doctors and poison control specialists will need to ensure that children get the proper treatment in the event of an accidental poisoning emergency.
ü  Learn to recognize the signs that a potentially poisonous substance has been ingested. Such signs include a chemical smell on the breath, burns or redness around the mouth, dizziness, sleepiness, vomiting, confusion, seizures, and unconsciousness.
Picture credit: greschoj

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